Life at Teneocto

At Teneocto, we respect every moment of our employees by building a positive and creative environment.

Year End Party 2022

Year-end Party - The last piece of the event album in 2022

So 2022 is just a little bit more to end officially. It's been a year with many events, changes, and emotions, but the best thing is the moment when the Te family members are present together at the last dinner party of the year.

During the event, Teners received special rewards for their year of dedication and enjoyed a cozy and fun dinner together.

Once again, thank you to the members, and hope that in 2023, we will continue to accompany and work together to achieve more success.




Address: 10 Floor, Detech Tower II, No 107, Nguyen Phong Sac Street, Dich Vong Hau, Cau Giay, Ha Noi



